Less expensive alternatives that you can employ to rid your acne

22/06/2013 21:51


Addressing bad acne can be quite expensive, and what most do not know is that there are plenty of low cost great ways of clearing acne. Checking out any well-known treatments you'll see a lot of different chemical substances in them. With having so many types of chemicals it's difficult to see whether some of them are in reality doing your skin any good. There are believe it or not a number of items in your house that will help to cure your acne and they sometimes are more affective that the high priced solutions you're currently purchasing.


Baking soda is famous for its cooking qualities and it's an easy to find item present in virtually all homes. Sodium bicarbonate is ideal for the removal of dead skin that lies on the top layer of your skin. In order make use of sodium bicarbonate on your skin you need to put together a small amount of water with Baking soda to make a paste. After this you set the sodium bicarbonate mixture on your skin, leave for 50 seconds and clean off with water.


Apple cider vinegar or just regular white vinegar is proven to heal acne. It works by eliminating acne bacteria that breed in the follicles of your skin. You'll need to ensure your skin is washed before you use any sort of vinegar on it. Then put together 1 part vinegar to eight parts water. Then apply to your skin with a small piece of cotton and leave for about ten to fifteen minutes.


The juice of lemon and lime is much like apple cider vinegar and it is rich in citric acid; they can be used in the same way to apple cider vinegar.


Many people use egg whites on their facial skin to keep it free from bacteria. You can use it like a face mask for your skin. If you have greasy skin then the protein from eggs are fantastic for your skin. To use egg whites as an acne treatment, get rid of the yolk in the egg and then whip the egg whites. Apply the egg whites to your face and then leave for twenty minutes and rinse.


This particular one is new to me, but oatmeal is meant to help with oily skin. Whilst drawing oil from your skin it also helps to clean your skin. The oatmeal must be heated and then chilled prior to use. The benefits of using oatmeal on your skin can be seen in less than a week.


Tea tree oil has been used for thousands of years to treat acne. Whilst it is effective it may take some time before you see any changes in your skin. You only need to use a small amount of tea tree oil to your acne. Mix with similar oils to make it go longer.


Work with tea tree oil if other acne treatments aggravate your skin. A few of the more expensive acne kits can easily make your acne worse.